Vector Data Copyright 2020 Ecopia Tech Corporation Image Data Copyright 2020 Maxar Technologies Inc License: The data and accompanying document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License ( and specified in legal code ( Data Use Constraints: You may not use any data or accompanying documents for commercial purposes. If you share any data or any adaptations of the data, you must credit Ecopia Tech Corporation as the creator of the vector data and Maxar Technologies Inc. as the creator of the image data. (for detailed license rights, see legal code) OSM Exception: In the licensing terms, DigitalGlobe has a stated exception for OpenStreetMap. OSM is allowed to use imagery and vector data released under the Open Data Program. Even though OSM enables commercial usage, OSM is a critical platform for the disaster response community. Allowing usage of our imagery and vector data in OSM will enable faster data access by local communities as well as global relief efforts.